Drug Prevention Stakeholder Map

In the framework of the project “Building effective drug prevention results across Europe based on prevention systems analysis and widespread professional training – ASAP training” had been identified the key stakeholders in drug prevention in the different EU Member States. More information about the ASAP you will find on the project webpage: http://asap-training.eu. If you would like to know more about the institution, please, click on its name.

Address (street, postal code): 15 Acad. Ivan Evstatiev Geshov Blvd
City/town: Sofia 1431
Telephone number: +359 2 954 12 11
Email: ncpha@ncpha.government.bg
Website: https://ncphp.government.bg/
The National Centerof Public Health and Analyses is a nationwide governmental organization that coordinates and provides methodological guidance of activities related to drug prevention.

  • Assessing draft prevention programmes
  • Suggesting improvement of the quality of draft prevention programmes in accordance with Europeanstandards of good practice
  • Organizing educational trainings in the field of prevention
  • Coordinating drug prevention activities
  • Drawing up analytical reports on prevention programmes implemented

    • Trainings in drug prevention at a national level
    • Trainings in drug prevention at a local level
    • Holding national drug prevention conference

    • Coordinating drug prevention
    • Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies) Making proposals for amending the Regulation on the conditions and order of the implementation of drug prevention programmes
    • Advisory role Formulating the statement of the Prevention Commission on draft prevention programmes
    • Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
    • Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
    • Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
    • Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
    • Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
    • Providing training on substance use prevention Supporting specialists in thefield of prevention in their professional development, provide them with an opportunity to gain new skills and additional knowledge