Drug Prevention Stakeholder Map
In the framework of the project “Building effective drug prevention results across Europe based on prevention systems analysis and widespread professional training – ASAP training” had been identified the key stakeholders in drug prevention in the different EU Member States. More information about the ASAP you will find on the project webpage: If you would like to know more about the institution, please, click of its name. If you would like to get more information about the ASAP project in Italy (the result, ASAP training etc.) please contact our partners in Italy. The A.Li.Sa from Region Liguria is a leader of the project
A.Li.Sa (Azienda Ligure Sanitaria)
- Address: Piazza della Vittoria 15 – terzo piano, 16121 Genova, Italy
- Email:
- Website:
Azienda sanitaria locale 2
- Address: Via Manzoni 14, 17100 Savona, Italy
- Contact person: Rachele Donini
- Website:
SI4Life s.c.r.l.
- Address:Via Gramsci, 1 -16126 Genoa (IT)
- Contact person: Barbara Mazzarino
- Website:
Together with the Province and the metropolitan city, the municipality is defined by the Constitution as an independent body with its own statute, powers and functions. The municipality is the local body that represents its community, taking care of its interests and promoting its development. Italy currently has 20 regions and 7914 municipalities.
For example:
It is a self-government responsible for local level of coverage (Firenze).
The main task of the institution in the prevention system is to design, plan, activate and coordinate prevention activities on its own territory and on the web, both independently financed and through access to regional and national funds. Scope of the activities of the institution is to create and manage prevention activities aimed at the local, regional and national youth population through specific actions such as training, workshops and conferences, national meetings, web and social networks.The institution is responsible for:
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Local authorities
- Regional authorities
- Donations/Private funds
Sources of funding for drug prevention:
The non-governmental and non-profit organisations have a fundamental role in the drug-prevention field in Italy. The “National Agreement between Government and Regions” in 1999 reinforces the principles of collaboration and cooperation among the public health system of services and all other accredited private and non-profit organizations dealing with addictive disorders.
These organisations can operate at local, regional or also at national level of coverage.
For example:
It is an association responsible for local (Torino) and national (MIUR) level of coverage. Its main task in the prevention system is to design and perform prevention activities in educational and community contexts. Scope of the activities of the institution is to conduct trainings at local, regional and national level in the field of prevention of dependencies.
The institution is responsible for:
- A) Advisory role
- B) Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- C) Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- D) Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- E) Providing training on substance use prevention
It is a NGO responsible for local (Genova), regional (CO.R.E.A.D.) and national (F.I.C.T.) level of coverage, with a preminent role in the coordiantion of prevention activities. In the planning of the interventions the organisation uses tools and theoretical matrices of the EDPQS. The projects implemented by the organisation aim to intervene more and more on the territorial community system.
The institution is responsible for:
- A) Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- B) Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
It is a social cooperative responsible for local level of coverage (province of Imperia). The cooperative is leader in two ATS (Temporary Purpose Association) on projects related to youth policies or educational interventions for adolescent minors. Management of three youth centers. Educational activities in schools. Proponent and executor of initiatives on specific topics (eg cyberbullying, pathological gambling, etc.). Scope of the activities of the association is deliver prevention, care and training interventions in the field of pathological addictions; reception of migrant asylum-seeking foreigners; work placement activities for people with social disadvantages.
The institution is responsible for:
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
These types of associations represent and protect operators of a certain sector, assist the associate in relations with the counterpart, with the institutions, and with the other public entities. They also provide a series of assistance and consultancy services in areas such as: accounting and administration; payroll and contribution management; management of economic and financial aspects; trade union representation; handling of paperwork; safety and health in the workplace; management of obligations (environmental, privacy, etc.); …
Scientific Associations have the prevailing purpose of promote the constant updating of the associates and carry out activities aimed at adapting professional knowledge and improving clinical skills and abilities with the aim of guaranteeing effectiveness, appropriateness, safety and efficiency of healthcare provided performance.
The departmental organization is the ordinary operational management model of the activities to be referred to in all areas of the National Health Service (SSN) with the aim of ensuring good administrative and financial management and clinical governance.
The Department, promoting the coordination of the medical act aimed at managing the entire course of care and the development of clinical-care-based behaviors based on evidence, constitutes the privileged environment in which to be able to contextualize the activities of clinical governance in its main extensions or the measurement of outcomes, the management of clinical risk, the adoption of diagnostic-therapeutic guidelines and protocols, continuous training, patient involvement and correct and transparent information.
For example:
It is a public institution responsible for regional level of coverage (Lombardy region).
Under the “Welfare General Management” of Lombardy Region, there is a “Prevention Organizational Unit” in charge of policy planning of evidence-based guidelines, actions and resources aimed at health protection of individuals and community.
Within it, there is a Health Promotion and Screening Unit in charge of planning and coordinating prevention activities, healthy lifestyles promotion in every life cycle, policy making in drug and other addictions prevention.
Role, responsibility and tasks of the institution in the prevention system:
The unit is responsible for developing intersectoral and multilevel programs and policies to promote partnerships at regional/local level among all institutions/subjects with a prevention role.
To deal with a multifaceted and rapidly changing phenomenon, such as (drug) addiction, it is crucial to build shared strategies and actions among all community sectors and stakeholders.
Policies and specific programs aim at reducing risk factors behaviors (such as alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs use), promoting healthy lifestyles and reinforcing life skills among general population.
Scope of the activities of the institution:
The unit within the specific program “Regional (drug) prevention network” defines common policies and guidelines, coordinates the implementation of evidence based programs, monitors the quality of programs implementation and manages refreshment/training courses for professionals.
The tasks are defined by the Regional Prevention Plan which is approved through a Regional Council Act. It refers to the National Prevention Plan (2014-2018) which includes a specific paragraph dedicated to drug prevention. For the first time it mentions addictive behaviors (without drugs) such as problematic gambling; it recommends strategies to address personal skills, to be reinforced at the individual level, and environmental determinants so that prevention programs are implemented in different settings (schools, workplaces, communities, etc.) to meet a wider approach of health promotion.
Another important act is the Lombardia Regional Drug Addiction Plan (PAR-2012) which underlines the multifaceted nature of drug use phenomenon, crosscutting all segments of society, thus requiring new integrated and intersectoral answers and new regional governance models.
Specific tasks and goals of Lombardia prevention strategy are defined by regional guidelines, concerning general population and pre-adolescent/adolescent population.
All documents are aligned with European Drug Strategy.
The institution cooperates with other Regional General Management Units eg. Education, Job and Social policies, Safety, Sports and Youth policies, etc.
Within specific activities and programs, it cooperates with Education Ministry, Regional Education Bureau, Municipalities, Associations, Non Profit coordination agencies, etc.
The institution is responsible for:
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Funding drug and alcohol prevention
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Providing training on substance use prevention
It is a public institution responsible for regional level of coverage (Puglia Region).
Its main task is to coordinate and to programme prevention activities.
The institution is responsible for:
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Advisory role
- Funding drug and alcohol prevention
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
It is a public institution responsible for regional level of coverage (Emilia-Romagna Region). Its main task is to programme the prevention activities of ASL and local entities.
Its scope is to approve and to monitor the implementation of regional guidelines on addiction prevention. Plan or ministerial policies in general on prevention and in particular on addictions prevention.
The institution is responsible for:
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Funding drug and alcohol prevention
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Providing training on substance use prevention
It is a public institution responsible for regional and local level of coverage.
As part of the activities certified by Ufficio Prevenzione Primaria del Dipartimento Politiche della Persona the substance-use prevention actions are based in the planning of the Piano Regionale della Prevenzione (PRP).
As part of the activities certified by Ufficio Solidarietà Sociale the substance-use prevention actions are based in the Servizi per le dipendenze (SERD).
Scope of the activities of the institution is to prevent the phenomenon of pathological addictions through interventions aimed at increasing citizens' empowerment in order to adopt healthy behaviors, with particular regard to the most fragile sections of the population.
The institution is responsible for (top priorities are in bold):
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
It is a public institution responsible for planning tasks for prevention activities and for the implementation of the National Prevention Plan at regional level (Region of Lazio).
Scope of the activities of the institution is to implement the National Prevention.
The institution is responsible for:
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
It is a public institution responsible for regional level of coverage (Umbria).
Its main tasks are: to define the policies and general guidelines of prevention activities to be implemented in the regional territory. To plan, coordinate and monitor regional prevention activities. To schedule training.
Scope of the activities of the institution is to spread prevention activities, implemented by health services in collaboration with other entitites, throughout the regional territory.
The institution is responsible for:
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Funding drug and alcohol prevention
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Plan and finance training and epidemiological monitoring activities
It is a public institution responsible for regional level of coverage (Region of Veneto).
Its main task is to coordinate prevention activities and to programme regional intervention plans.
The institution is responsible for:
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Funding drug and alcohol prevention
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
ATS Milan mission is the health protection at collective and individual level. ATS modified recently its name into "Agency" as its role coincides with the functions of governance, supervision, prevention and monitoring. UOS Prevenzione specifica (Prevention Unit), in particular, manages and coordinates the implementation of selective prevention interventions/programs directed to vulnerable contexts/communities, prevention interventions/programs directed to general populations and different life contexts; regional prevention programs and interinstitutional partnerships; monitoring of all activities.
To deal with the multifaceted and rapidly changing nature of drugs phenomenon, it's fundamental to build shared actions and strategies between all different subjects with a prevention responsability to develop intesectorial and multilevel programs. The scope consists of: developing common guidelines in partnership with different stakeholders at local/regional level; disseminating and implementing evidence based programs; monitoring interventions quality; refreshment and training of professionals The institution is responsible for:
The institution is responsible for:
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Advisory role
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
- Decision making and governance at a regional level, through development of policies, action plans and guidelines
i) Department of Mental Health and Addictions, ASL 4 Chiavarese (under which operates the group for drug prevention)
Department of Mental Health and Addictions of ASL 4 Chiavarese (Local Sanitary Agency n. 4 of Liguria) is a local, public institution. It organizes and coordinates at a local level the activities addressed to the young population that is in schools and in centres for youth. It organizes courses for teachers. Organizes and conducts trainings in drug prevention at a local level.
The institution is responsible for:
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Advisory role
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
Integrated projects with local public entities and private social institutions following the guidelines written in the regional plan in drug prevention of Liguria Region.
Consultancies for school institutions and town halls services.
Meetings with students, parents and teachers trained with the Peer Education and Media Education methodology.
The institution plays the following roles:
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Advisory role
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
It is a public institution responsible for behavioural and substance-use prevention at local level (province of Trapani).
The institution is responsible for (top priorities are in bold):
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Advisory role
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Providing training on substance use prevention
k) UOC Dipendenze – SERT CHIETI
It is a public institution responsible for substance-use prevention, diagnosis and treatment at local level (province of Chieti).
Its main task is the implementation of stategies and activities defined in the Piano Regionale della Prevenzione (Regional prevention plan).
The institution is responsible for (top priorities are in bold):
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Advisory role
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Funding drug and alcohol prevention
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Advisory role
- CDeveloping drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Advisory role
- Funding drug and alcohol prevention/li>
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Advisory role
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Advisory role
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Advisory role
It is a public institution responsible for substance-use prevention, rehabilitation and treatment at local level (province of Trento).
The institution is responsible for (top priorities are in bold):
It is a public institution responsible for local level of coverage (province of Chieti).
The institution is responsible for(top priorities are in bold):
It is a public institution responsible for health promotion at local level (province of Trieste).
Scope of the activities of the institution is to deliver “Unplugged” project in schools.
The institution is responsible for:
It is a self-government responsible for regional level of coverage (province of Chieti).
Its main task are: planning, governance, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the activities envisaged by the Local Integrated Health Promotion Plan (PIL) according to the indications of Lombardia’s Regional Prevention Plan (PRP).
Scope of the activities of the institution is prevention in the field of addictions as per regional indications.
The institution is responsible for:
It is a public institution responsible for indicated and selective prevention interventions at local level (districts of Cesena Valle Savio and Rubicone Mare).
Its main task is to coordinate the prevention activities of public and private subjects.
The institution is responsible for:
It is a public institution responsible for the coordination of prevention and enforcement activities at local level (province of Pavia).
Its main task is to coordinate health promotion activities.
Coordination of prevention and enforcement activities at the provincial level.
The institution is responsible for:
It is a public institution responsible for governance of healthcare policy at local level.
Scope of the activities of the institution is to promote transversal prevention policies for the various determinants of health.
The institution is responsible for:
It is a public institution responsible for the coordination of prevention and health promotion activities at local level (ASL 3 Genovese).
Scope of the activities of the institution:
prevention and health promotion activities in the community, school and work settings, in relation to multiple health problems, with particular reference to: non-communicable chronic diseases, forms of psychological and social distress for adolescents, road and domestic accidents, use of substances , sexually transmitted diseases, acquisition of transversal skills (life skills) necessary for the protection of one's health and that of the community to which one belongs.
The institution is responsible for:
It is a public institution responsible for the coordination, at company level, of prevention activities in the school environment (Program D - schools promoting health) of the PRP 2014 – 2018. It is responsible for regional level of coverage (province of Avellino).
Scope of the activities of the institution:
prevention and health promotion activities in the school setting, in relation to multiple health problems, with particular reference to: Promote the strengthening of protection factors (life skills empowerment) and the adoption of healthy behaviors (nutrition, physical activity) and elimination of those harmful (smoking, alcohol and behavioral addiction) in the youthful population; extend the protection from passive smoking; reduce the consumption of drugs and alcohol; increase fruit and vegetable consumption; increase physical activity; strengthen resilience and promote personal and social empowerment processes; promptly identify individuals with emotional and / or behavioral problems in adolescence and youth; reduce the number of hospitalizations due to road accidents; increase the subjects with correct driving behavior.
The institution is responsible for:
It is a public institution responsible for local level of coverage (Provinces of Monza and Lecco).
Its main task is to coordinate addiction prevention actions and deliver the regional LST and Unplugged programs, coordinate the GAP Plan with actions in the school, in the community, in the field of addiction prevention in synergy with local authorities, companies, schools and non-profit associations.
Scope of the activities of the institution:
governance of territorial actions on addiction prevention and provision of training related to the topic.
The institution is responsible for:
It is a public institution responsible for regional (Region of Piemonte) and national level of coverage.
Role, responsibility and tasks of the institution in the prevention system:
“Vision: we contribute to spreading the culture and practice of prevention and health promotion and we encourage actions aimed at their development; Mission: we make authoritative and up-to-date documentation available on the effectiveness of public health intervention projects, adopting the health approach in all policies. We encourage the successful transfer and exchange of knowledge (KTE). We provide data, scientific evidence, regulations, models and tools, good practices and training to plan, manage and evaluate health prevention and promotion interventions with attention to equity. Mandate: we support scientifically, methodologically and legally the guidelines for the actions promoted by the Piedmont Region and health authorities on the issues of prevention and health promotion and contribute to the growth of the skills of health care decision makers and operators and other sectors. Values: we are inspired by: principles of transparency and scientific independence, not belonging to any organization whose interests could influence our activities; to the recommendations of the constitutive and inspirational cards of health promotion (from Ottawa 1986 to Shanghai 2016) and to the guidelines proposed by Health 2020 (WHO Europe, 2013): to the profile of competences for health promoters recommended by the accreditation system "CompHP, developing competencies and professional standards for health promotion capacity building in Europe "(IUHPE, 2012). “
Scope of the activities of the institution:
“we help the work mandate through: participation in work groups, networks, local, regional, national and international projects; translation, synthesis and adaptation of documentation; dissemination of social marketing and health communication strategies; design and management of databases; project evaluation and enhancement of good practices; continuous training and updating on the issues of health prevention and promotion, management of a library and specialist newspaper library“
The institution is responsible for
Established in 2002 by the Presidency of the Ministers’ Council, the National Against-Drugs Policy Department coordinates at central level all interventions in preventing, monitoring and tackling drug and alcohol addiction phenomenon. It is the support structure for the promotion and coordination of government action on anti-drug policies.
The Department promotes, directs and coordinates Government actions aimed at combating the spread of drug use, drug addiction and related addictions. It is in charge of defining and monitoring the national anti-drug action plan, in line with the relevant European guidelines, defining and coordinating at the same the intervention strategies in collaboration with the regions, autonomous provinces and private social organizations accredited.
It is responsible for:
- Coordinating drug prevention
- Decision-making in drug prevention (Including development of policies)
- Advisory role
- Funding drug and alcohol prevention
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring substance related problems in order to apply the results to improve drug prevention
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes
- Supervising the implementation of drug prevention (e.g. providing advice and guidance)
- Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
- Providing training on substance use prevention
The Ministry of Education, University and Research is a national, governmental institution that operates in the areas of school education, higher education and research.
The MIUR is responsible for coordinating drug prevention activities in the education system (Schools, Universities, Regional and Local Education Departments, …)
For example:
The higher education institution “Boselli – Alberti” is a public institution responsible for local level of coverage (province of Savona and Genova Ovest).
In the field of prevention, the main scope of the activities of the institution is to integrate health promotion and addiction prevention competences in the disciplines taught.
The institution is responsible for
- Providing training on substance use prevention
It is a public institution that coordinates training projects on addictions, proposes addiction training projects.
The institution is responsible for
- Coordinating drug prevention, regional coordination of school training proposal
- Advisory role
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies, development of national interventions on the regional territory
- Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes e.g. family- and school-based programmes, development of local projects for students and families
- Providing training on substance use prevention
It is a public institution responsible for basic research, action research and training at regional level (Lombardia region). It operates in the field of research and training for professionals. It is a public institution that coordinates training projects on addictions, proposes addiction training projects.
The institution is responsible for
- A) Advisory role
- B) Conducting prevention research e.g. evaluation of drug prevention programmes, epidemiological studies in the general and student population
- C) Implementing drug prevention e.g. family- and school-based programmes
Currently in Italy there are 88 banking foundations.
The Ministry of Health as a public administration was born March 13, 1958 with the need to fully implement the provisions of the Constitution which, in art. 32, states: "The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and as a collective interest, and guarantees free medical care to the indigent".
Subsequently, on December 23, 1978, with the law 833, the National Health Service (SSN) was established: a system of structures and services that have the purpose of guaranteeing all citizens, under conditions of equality, universal access to the health services, in implementation of the aforementioned art. 32 of the Constitution. The Italian healthcare model, universalistic and solidaristic, ensures care and assistance to everyone, regardless of nationality, residence and income.
With the reform of Titolo Quinto of the Italian Constitution (law n. 3/2001) the concurrent legislation of the State and the Regions on health protection was introduced.
According to the articulation of competences sanctioned by the Italian Constitution, the public health function is exercised by two levels of government: the State, which defines the essential levels of assistance (LEA) and the total amount of financial resources necessary for their financing, and the Regions, which have the task of organizing the respective regional health services (SSR) and guaranteeing the provision of the related services in compliance with the LEAs.
The High Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità – ISS) is an Italian public institution that, as the leading technical-scientific body of the Italian National Health Service (SSN), performs research, trials, control, counseling, documentation and training for public health. The Institute is under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.
The Ministry of the interior is the national top public security authority in Italy. The organization is responsible for monitoring and analyzing security and phenomena that contribute to the prevalence of punishable offences for the purpose of their prevention. It monitors new forms of punishable offences and ways of committing thereof. It develops prevention programmes, projects, campaigns and activities; coordinates preventive activities with district Police at the regional level; cooperates with other governmental organizations, NGOs, scientific and university institutions and others.
Center of the judicial policy of the government, the ministry deals with the judicial organization and carries out administrative functions related to civil and criminal jurisdiction such as: the management of notarial archives, the supervision of orders and professional colleges, the administration of the criminal record, international cooperation.
The Legislative Office, reporting directly to the Minister, is responsible for the study and proposal of regulatory interventions.
In the penitentiary sector, the Ministry implements the policies of order and security in penitentiary institutions and services, the treatment of prisoners, and the administration of prison staff. Finally, the Ministry deals with minors and young adults subjected to criminal measures.
For example:
It is a public institution responsible for regional level of coverage (Liguria and Massa Carrara).
In the prevention system, its main task is the prevention in the context of deviance and adolescent risk behaviour. The main scope of the institution is the treatment of juvenile delinquency and the prevention of recurrence. Its main source of funding for drug prevention comes from the Ministry of Justice.
The institution is responsible for:
- Advisory role
- Developing drug prevention programmes and/or policies
- Monitoring drug prevention interventions or programmes